====== Create an Oracle Account ====== * First off create an Oracle Free Tier Account at https://www.oracle.com/ca-en/cloud/free/ * Work your way through the sign up process until your account is active and you can sign in * I understand that sometimes it takes a bit (up to days) before your account has been provisioned * If it is taking to long you can try to reach out to Oracle Support to ask them to provision the account more quickly * Once your account has been provisioned log in ====== Set Up Oracle Networking ====== * From your home page, select Virtual Cloud Networking {{:450px-image1.png?400|}} * Select "Start VCN Wizard" {{:450px-image2.png?400|}} * Select "Create VCN with Internet Connectivity" and "Start VCN Wizard" {{:450px-image3.png?400|}} * On the next page add a VCN Name (e.g. "vcn-network") leaving all other options the same * Click "Next" and then "Create" {{:450px-image4.png?400|}} * Once created, click "View Virtual Cloud Network" at the bottom left * Select the "Public Subnet" {{:450px-image5.png?400|}} * Select the "Default Security List" {{:450px-image6.png?400|}} * Click Add Ingress Rules * Change "Source CIDR" to read * Change "Destination Port Range" to read 32400 {{:450px-image7.png?400|}} * Click "Add Ingress Rules" to save * Head to instances by clicking the top left three lines and selecting "Instances" //The end result of these steps is that port 32400 is exposed for Plex// ====== Set Up Your Oracle Instance ====== * On the left side of the screen select "Compartment" and your username if it is not already selected * Select "Create Instance" * Edit "Image and Shape" {{:450px-image8.png?400|}} * Select "Change Shape" * Select "Ampere" and adjust the OCPU count to 4 {{:450px-image9.png?400|}} * Select "Change Image" * Select "Canonical Ubuntu" {{:450px-image10.png?400|}} * Select "Save Private Key" * Email this Key file to yourself to safely store it - you will need this key file to log in! {{:450px-image11.png?400|}} * Click "Create" * Your screen should reload and indicate that the image is being provisioned - "PROVISIONING" * Once it has been provisioned it will change from an Orange Box to a Green Box and will indicate "RUNNING" * Once it is running you can now log in to your server ====== Logging in to Your Server ====== * Take note of the IP address listed under "Instance Access" - this is your public IP address to access your server {{:450px-image14.png?400|}} * If you experience difficulties review this link for support from Oracle - https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/accessinginstance.htm * If you are Windows your easiest option is likely using OpenSSH - OpenSSH can be enabled through the Windows Optional Features dialoge - see this link for more details - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_install_firstuse?tabs=gui {{:450px-image13.png?400|}} * Open the directory where you saved the ssh.key file to and follow the instructions described under "Accessing Instances" linked above * Rename the file from ssh-key-****-**-**.key to ssh.key for easy access * Right-click the file, select Properties, the Security tab, and Advanced at the bottom * Click Disable Inheritance, and Convert Inherited Permissions * Remove any Permissions listed that are not your User Account * Click OK * Open Windows Powershell * Navigate to the directory where you saved the ssh.key file * Enter this command replacing the asterisks with the public IP address of your server ssh -i ssh.key ubuntu@********** * The server will let you know that the authenticity of the host cannot be verified, type "yes" * You should know be logged in to your remote server ====== Installing Required Software ====== * Once you are logged in, enter a root prompt sudo su Next use an automated script to install all required software * The script will prompt twice - once for your Real Debrid API key available at https://real-debrid.com/apitoken and a second time for your Plex server claim token available at https://www.plex.tv/claim/ Note - Don't retrieve a Plex claim token until you are ready to use it as they only last for 4 minutes bash -c "$(wget -qLO - https://gist.githubusercontent.com/godver3/d6465e0222381fec1a315d5369ac09fe/raw/bd136c25f22a45e6b83fee67770fadffb7e0d0cd/setup.sh)" * The script will do the following * Update and Upgrade all software on the Server * Build and Install the custom rclone software to mount Real Debrid * Setup rclone with the necessary information to auto-mount the Real Debrid share each time the Server is powered on * Install Plex and Plex_Debrid * FYI the contents of the script can be found [[https://gist.githubusercontent.com/godver3/d6465e0222381fec1a315d5369ac09fe/raw/bd136c25f22a45e6b83fee67770fadffb7e0d0cd/setup.sh|Here]] - it can be helpful to review the script contents for learning ====== Accessing and Setting Up the Software ====== * Once the script has run you can now access your software using the following * **Plex** - http://YOURPUBLICIP:32400 * **Plex Debrid** - Plex Debrid can be reached through the SSH terminal by typing "sudo docker attach plex_debrid" * Steps needed to finish setting up Software * **Plex** * Log into your Plex Media Server and complete the initial set up * Add two Media Libraries - one for Movies and one for Shows * The Movies folder you will select is **/library/movies** * The Shows folder you will select is **/library/shows** * Under Advanced disable Video Preview Thumbnails * In order for Plex Debrid to properly recognize your Plex Libraries you will need to ensure you have at least one item of each type in your Movie and Show libraries * I recommend any random movie and TV show torrent to your Real Debrid account, manually running a scan to ensure they are recognized, and then start running your Plex Debrid script * __**This must be done before setting up Plex_Debrid**__ * **Plex Debrid** * Plex Debrid is now running on your server - to set up Plex Debrid type "sudo docker attach plex_debrid" * You will initially have a black screen, hit the return key to setup your Plex Debrid service * Enter "http://localhost:32400" for your server address * In order to gracefully exit the script while leaving it running push Ctrl-P and then Ctrl-Q ====== Important Note - Home rclone Mount ====== * If you have already set up an rclone mount on your home PC, and are now transitioning to Oracle you will first need to go to https://real-debrid.com/downloads and delete all of your download links - the mount will automatically recreate all of your links for you * This is necessary because pre-existing downloads will have been created for your home IP address and will need to be recreated for the Oracle IP address ====== Credit ====== * All credit goes to itstoggle and their projects including: * https://github.com/itsToggle/plex_debrid * https://github.com/itsToggle/rclone_rd * Make sure to buy them a beer! * Using their Real Debrid affiliate link: http://real-debrid.com/?id=5708990 * Through PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/oidulibbe