Create an Oracle Account

  • First off create an Oracle Free Tier Account at
  • Work your way through the sign up process until your account is active and you can sign in
  • I understand that sometimes it takes a bit (up to days) before your account has been provisioned
  • If it is taking to long you can try to reach out to Oracle Support to ask them to provision the account more quickly
  • Once your account has been provisioned log in

Set Up Oracle Networking

  • From your home page, select Virtual Cloud Networking

  • Select “Start VCN Wizard”

  • Select “Create VCN with Internet Connectivity” and “Start VCN Wizard”

  • On the next page add a VCN Name (e.g. “vcn-network”) leaving all other options the same
  • Click “Next” and then “Create”

  • Once created, click “View Virtual Cloud Network” at the bottom left
  • Select the “Public Subnet”

  • Select the “Default Security List”

  • Click Add Ingress Rules
  • Change “Source CIDR” to read
  • Change “Destination Port Range” to read 32400

  • Click “Add Ingress Rules” to save
  • Head to instances by clicking the top left three lines and selecting “Instances”

The end result of these steps is that port 32400 is exposed for Plex

Set Up Your Oracle Instance

  • On the left side of the screen select “Compartment” and your username if it is not already selected
  • Select “Create Instance”
  • Edit “Image and Shape”

  • Select “Change Shape”
  • Select “Ampere” and adjust the OCPU count to 4

  • Select “Change Image”
  • Select “Canonical Ubuntu”

  • Select “Save Private Key”
  • Email this Key file to yourself to safely store it - you will need this key file to log in!

  • Click “Create”
  • Your screen should reload and indicate that the image is being provisioned - “PROVISIONING”
  • Once it has been provisioned it will change from an Orange Box to a Green Box and will indicate “RUNNING”
  • Once it is running you can now log in to your server

Logging in to Your Server

  • Take note of the IP address listed under “Instance Access” - this is your public IP address to access your server

  • Open the directory where you saved the ssh.key file to and follow the instructions described under “Accessing Instances” linked above
    • Rename the file from ssh-key---.key to ssh.key for easy access
    • Right-click the file, select Properties, the Security tab, and Advanced at the bottom
    • Click Disable Inheritance, and Convert Inherited Permissions
    • Remove any Permissions listed that are not your User Account
    • Click OK
  • Open Windows Powershell
  • Navigate to the directory where you saved the ssh.key file
  • Enter this command replacing the asterisks with the public IP address of your server
ssh -i ssh.key ubuntu@**********
  • The server will let you know that the authenticity of the host cannot be verified, type “yes”
  • You should know be logged in to your remote server

Installing Required Software

  • Once you are logged in, enter a root prompt
sudo su

Next use an automated script to install all required software

  • The script will prompt twice - once for your Real Debrid API key available at and a second time for your Plex server claim token available at Note - Don't retrieve a Plex claim token until you are ready to use it as they only last for 4 minutes
bash -c "$(wget -qLO -"
  • The script will do the following
    • Update and Upgrade all software on the Server
    • Build and Install the custom rclone software to mount Real Debrid
    • Setup rclone with the necessary information to auto-mount the Real Debrid share each time the Server is powered on
    • Install Plex and Plex_Debrid
  • FYI the contents of the script can be found Here - it can be helpful to review the script contents for learning

Accessing and Setting Up the Software

  • Once the script has run you can now access your software using the following
    • Plex Debrid - Plex Debrid can be reached through the SSH terminal by typing “sudo docker attach plex_debrid”
  • Steps needed to finish setting up Software
    • Plex
      • Log into your Plex Media Server and complete the initial set up
      • Add two Media Libraries - one for Movies and one for Shows
        • The Movies folder you will select is /library/movies
        • The Shows folder you will select is /library/shows
        • Under Advanced disable Video Preview Thumbnails
      • In order for Plex Debrid to properly recognize your Plex Libraries you will need to ensure you have at least one item of each type in your Movie and Show libraries
        • I recommend any random movie and TV show torrent to your Real Debrid account, manually running a scan to ensure they are recognized, and then start running your Plex Debrid script
        • This must be done before setting up Plex_Debrid
    • Plex Debrid
      • Plex Debrid is now running on your server - to set up Plex Debrid type “sudo docker attach plex_debrid”
      • You will initially have a black screen, hit the return key to setup your Plex Debrid service
      • Enter “http://localhost:32400” for your server address
      • In order to gracefully exit the script while leaving it running push Ctrl-P and then Ctrl-Q

Important Note - Home rclone Mount

  • If you have already set up an rclone mount on your home PC, and are now transitioning to Oracle you will first need to go to and delete all of your download links - the mount will automatically recreate all of your links for you
    • This is necessary because pre-existing downloads will have been created for your home IP address and will need to be recreated for the Oracle IP address
